Results will be available only from Tuesday 14 January at 12:15pm in the afternoon.

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How many points do you need to pass Grade 12 in Namibia?
Also 29.5% to 45.0% for Grade 12 achieving 25 points overall. To achieve the above outcomes, the Ministerial Strategic Plan under the Strategic objective on ensuring relevant and quality learning content envisage improvement in Mathematics, Science and English.
What are the requirements for Nsscas?
For candidates seeking admission with NSSCO/NSSCAS, the requirements are 24 Points including a minimum B-symbol on NSSC(O) and D symbol on NSS(CAS) in Mathematics, Biology, Physics and Chemistry as well as a minimum D-symbol in English.
Is UNAM accepting Grade 11 learners?
Since 2021, Unam has been reluctant to admit learners exiting the school at grade 11 through the new NSSCO curriculum, which was implemented in 2020. This is because, at the time, the university believed that the legacy programmes do not adequately prepare learners for university studies.
Can I study at NUST with Grade 11?
Undergraduate Studies
General Admission Requirements Applicants in possession with a final year school-leaving certificate or current Grade 11 (Namibia only) or Grade 12 learners. 25 points in 5 subjects including a minimum E-Symbol in English on NSSC Ordinary Level